Silicon Mastic for Concrete Expansion Joints- Shrink Resistant
Mastic to seal expansion joints in imprinted or plain concrete (available in Translucent, Black or Brown - Translucent will visually darken over time)

Silicone mastic sealant to fill expansion joints in imprinted concrete
Mastic sealant available in Translucent, Black and Brown
Premium quality low modulus non corrosive silicone sealant that adheres to all concrete substrates. (average 7-10 linear metre coverage)
Primarily used on imprinted concrete driveways and patios to avoid expansion joints becoming clogged up and filled with muck.
Specifically designed to fill concrete expansion joints, tested to ISO11600 standards, easy application via mastic gun
Q: How long (years) does mastic last once applied in expansion joints, before needing reapplying? TIA.
A: Direct sunlight will eventually dry out the silicone sealant after roughly 3-5 years. If the area is quite shaded, the deterioration of the silicone could slow down even further.
Q: How much coverage do you get per tube . Thank you
A: If you are just 'capping off' expansion joints, created with an angle grinder? One tube should cover approx 7 linear metres. Hope that helps.
Q: Ideally to what depth should this be applied
A: The concrete is normally 4" inches deep. There is no point try to fill the joint, so just 'cap it off' using a minimum ammount of mastic. For expansion joints cut with an angle grinder, 1 tube should cover approx 7 linear metres. Hope that helps
Excellent product. Does what it says no messing. Very easy to apply. My Mum is very pleased with the results. Water now beads off her imprinted driveway. Though it is worth noting, the brush purchased. Still shed when used, which is a pain, even after several minutes of attempting to rid it of any loose bristles beforehand.
Good stuff. Should have bought more the first time but now all done and looks great
Does exactly what it is supposed do and very easy to use - even forr a 76 year old grandma!